Vue d'ensemble
Voilà le type de symbiose que Lalande + Doyle met de l’avant – la rencontre des talents; le partage des visions; l’engagement de tous à créer une architecture qui offre aux clients des espaces qui répondent à leurs aspirations et à leurs besoins comme utilisateurs.
Une formule gagnante.
Que faisons-nous
Domaines De Pratique
Services d’architecture
Nous agissons comme conseillers de nos clients et cherchons à mériter leur confiance. Nos décennies d’expérience en architecture nous permettent de :
- Soutenir les activités de développement stratégique
- Élaborer les concepts et les solutions qui suscitent l’adhésion
- Produire une documentation technique complète et bien coordonnée
- Diriger la construction, l’administration et la mise en service.
Services de design intérieur
Notre équipe produit des espaces fonctionnels dans une enveloppe architecturale. Elle porte une attention particulière aux allées et venues et aux habitudes des usagers ce qui, de pair avec la créativité architecturale de la firme, optimise l’utilisation d’un espace.
Services à caractère patrimonial
Notre équipe connaît bien les pratiques exemplaires en matière de patrimoine. Un des défis premiers de ce travail consiste à bien marier les techniques et commodités modernes avec la préservation des éléments patrimoniaux. Nous sommes fiers de savoir sortir des sentiers battus pour protéger l’intégrité d’une structure patrimoniale tout en répondant aux besoins pratiques de notre clientèle dans les limites prescrites de temps et d’argent.
Qui sommes-nous
À votre service
Philippe is responsible for the vision and direction of the firm.
What would you say are the hallmarks of great architecture?
Clarity and inventiveness. Clarity makes great architecture look simple and inventiveness makes clarity look beautiful. You approach the perfection of form. Think of the wheel, which isn’t architecture, but is a great example of design. I’d love to meet the person who invented the wheel: it’s been thousands of years, and no one has ever had to reinvent it.
What’s the purpose of architecture?
Architecture has to serve the people. It should stimulate the senses and create a sense of place. That’s what makes so many of the great architectural pieces great. While architecture is a function of time and context, great architecture transcends the likes and dislikes of culture and fashion.
How would you characterize the corporate culture at L+D?
Collegial and supportive. We continually encourage each other to excel, to surpass expectations. As a company, we exceed the sum of our individual parts. And we’re future-minded. I’m a firm believer that we are stewards of the next generation. That’s always a big part of our internal discourse; it’s reflected in what we do corporately and in how we treat each other.
What has been the secret to your success?
Commitment. “Quit” has never been a word in my vocabulary. I think this has always benefited clients: they get my full dedication from beginning to end. You need commitment to work through challenges as they arise—and you know they’re going to. You need confidence to take risks as necessary to develop creative, effective solutions. And trust is essential. It’s why I would never ask someone to do something I’m not prepared to
do myself.
Louise wears many hats at L+D. She serves as a senior project architect, regularly lends her expertise to heritage development projects, and undertakes office and resource-management responsibilities.
What does it take to be a great architect?
Obviously you need to be a talented designer, but it’s more than that. You have to be a good listener and communicator to identify and understand clients’ needs. You can’t ever lose sight of the fact that you’re designing spaces for people. Our job is to transform our clients’ dreams into built forms.
What is the mark of a successful project?
There’s no greater testament to the success of a project than a client using a building to its fullest potential and, in return, having the building fully respond to the client’s every need.
How would you characterize L+D’s corporate culture?
It breaks stereotypical office conventions. We work as a collective, not a rigid hierarchical machine. There’s mutual respect among all levels of staff. The strengths of one are the strengths of the entire team. We constantly learn from each other—our mistakes and our successes both.
What drives L+D?
Our energy and passion. Every member of our team, regardless of age or experience, shares the same youthful eagerness and curiosity. Architecture is more than just our job, it’s our lifestyle. Our dedication is the result of our passion.
« Au cours du processus de création, nous bâtissons une histoire au fur et à mesure que nous dessinons; mais nous gardons aussi les pieds sur terre et demeurons conscients du contexte architectural et culturel environnant. »
Philippe Doyle, président